WAVES NL: Advancing Mathematical Methods for Wave Phenomena

4TU.AMI Strategic Research Initiative

Research Topics

  • Fast and efficient numerical methods for simulating linear wave scattering phenomena in electromagnetics and acoustics, including boundary and finite element methods
  • Radiative transfer equations for light-matter interaction and wave propagation through complex media
  • Efficient free-surface wave models for the simulation of tsunamis and river floodings
  • Uncertainty quantification for both forward and inverse problems in wave phenomena
  • Nonlinear wave phenomena and time-fractional attenuation within wave models, with a focus on applications in biomedical imaging
  • Absorbing/transparent boundary conditions and perfectly matched layers for wave simulation in open or unbounded domains
  • Inverse design and efficient surrogate models for nanophotonics and plasmonics applications aimed at manipulating and controlling light on the nanoscale.

Kick-off Meeting

    This first meeting is intended to be a community-building workshop to kick off the 4TU.AMI Strategic Research Initiative on Advancing Mathematical Methods for Wave Phenomena. The goal is to facilitate learning across different fields of expertise, identify common research interests, brainstorm potential collaborations, and form collaborative teams. We hope this workshop will lay the groundwork for future collaboration and help identify key research priorities.

    The meeting will take place in the Reactor Room of The Gallery on the beautiful campus of the University of Twente on September 20th, 2024.

    Register here

    The program for the meeting is as follows:

    Time Activity
    10:00-10:30 Registration, coffee, and tea
    10:30-10:45 Welcome and opening remarks
    10:45-11:15 Laura Scarabosio (RU):
    Title: Shape uncertainty quantification in acoustic scattering
    11:15-11:45 Julian Koellermeier (RUG):
    Title: Free-surface wave simulations using hierarchical moment models
    11:45-12:15 Coffee break
    12:15-12:45 Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp (TU Eindhoven):
    Title: Inverse methods for freeform optical design
    12:45-13:45 Lunch
    13:45-14:45 Poster session
    14:45-15:15 Carlos Pérez Arancibia (UTwente):
    Title: Density interpolation methods for boundary/volume integral equations in wave phenomena
    15:15-15:45 Coffee break
    15:45-16:15 Vanja Nikolić (RU):
    Title: Mathematical models for ultrasound contrast imaging
    16:15-16:45 Matthias Schlottbom (UTwente):
    Title: On accelerated iterative schemes for anisotropic radiative transfer using residual minimization
    16:45-17:00 Closing remarks

Interested in joining this initiative?

Feel free to contact any of the team members listed below to get involved!